
Monday, September 27, 2010

Fit for Real People

Hmm. So, I did a bad thing & bought a new copy at Barnes & Noble of Fit for Real People (at full price $25). And I gotta say: It is way over my head. I can see how it could very well be the fit book, but yikes. I'm just not there yet.
A body map seems like a lot of work, a wealth of information, yes, but a lot of work. Also, the pictures. Oh, the pictures. They could use some updating. But that is easy enough to look past. Fitting problems are the same today as they were then.
The book also talked a lot about shoulder pads. Yeah. There will be no shoulder pads in my garments. I don't care if I do have a sloping shoulder.
That said, I'm probably going to keep it around. Becuase one can never have too many books. And down the road, when I have a few projects & fitting problems under my belt, I'm sure it will come in handy.
So, all that being said, I'm still in the market for a down & dirty fitting book. Amy mentioned Fitting Finesse in a comment (thanks Amy!!), any other recommendations?


  1. I tried to do the body map (my husband traced around me) and it did not go well! He kept changing his mind as to where the hips, knees, ect. fell on the paper and in the end, I doubted its accuracy.

    I picked up Fantastic Fit for Everybody at my local library and really liked how it explained fitting in simple terms. The author recommends creating a croquis of yourself using a polaroid camera to get a sense of how your body differs from a standard dress form. Of course, you can use a digital camera now, which makes things much easier.

    I also own Easy Guide to Sewing Tops & T-Shirts, Skirts and Pants, which I really like. It has charts that you can copy and fill-in. It talks about measuring the flat pattern first and then comparing to your measurements.

    I'm very much a fitting novice (I don't think I've ever achieved a perfect fit) but I found these books more helpful than FFRP. Like you, I'm not there yet.

  2. Hi, just stumbled on your blog, and by coincidence also just bought this book! I'm a relative beginner too,and to me, this book describes the fit method my mother used when she used to make clothes for me. Except mum would pin fit with the pins on the inside. Ouch!!
    I have a lot of questions about fit, and this book only partially answers them. Tissue fitting on my own I think will be a big challenge.

  3. That's a great point, Paola. A partner is definitely helpful in the fitting process. Oh, how I would love to get a dress form. Maybe some day. :) Thank you for stopping by & commenting. :)

  4. Hey Jenna!

    My absolute favorite fitting book is Nancy Zieman's Pattern Fitting with Confidence. I borrowed mine from my local library and LOVE it! I plan on purchasing one from her website, (I promise I am not affiliated with her) because she includes a DVD that has her showing you the techniques described in her book.

    I am a fan of the book already without the DVD, but I am curious as to the material on the DVD and whether it would add to my sewing experience.

    You can check out reviews on This book, to me, is very beginner-friendly.

  5. I just got this book a little while ago (my Grandma sent it to me after listening to me complain about fitting)! I need to spend some time with it, when I have time for sewing stuff! :D


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