What a great day in age to "self teach". I always hesitate to say that I'm teaching myself how to sew, because, well, it just feels like cheating. There are thousands of resources readily available now for any number of skills, and I'm trying to take full advantage of them.
In fact, it was projects I first saw on the internet that inspired me to get sewing. I had planned on keeping my sewing simple--projects for my soon arriving daughter, perhaps with a few boy friendly projects mixed in for my almost-toddler son. So that's how I started (which seems odd to say because I feel that I'm still very much in the "starting" stage of my sewing career) with pillowcase dresses (the first so small that I thought it would only ever fit a doll), a couple ties, a ruffle butt diaper cover & a reversible dress. Each project went better than the last. And just last night, I finished my very first 'for me' garment. The yoga pants featured in the book Sew Everything Workshop by Diana Rupp (another great resource in my "self taught" arsenal.) I'm wearing them as I type & I'm not sure that I've ever been more proud of myself.
So, this is me. On my journey to become a full blown seamstress. But for now, I'm very excited to take on the self proclaimed title of Seamstress in Training.